Phil Hopkins

Phil Hopkins' photos have been published by United Press International, represented internationally by the Black Star photo agency and appeared on and Articles Phil wrote have appeared in Cousteau Society publications, numerous business journals, consumer magazines, Web publications, annual reports and a variety of technical periodicals. He is currently focused on capturing images of natural environments and wildlife impacted by ongoing climate change.

Midwick gate with a pole in the center.

Midwick Gate Pole Poll Results

The community has spoken, and the wisdom of crowds works magic yet again. The results of our “Guess the Purpose” January poll about the Midwick gate pole are in.

Yes, 80 percent correctly guessed that the pole installed smack in the middle of the gate once featured a turnstile. We don’t have a photo of the turnstile mechanism in our archives, so if you have a picture please forward it to us for publication at [email protected].

Several clever folks reckoned the pole once held a fire department sign with a code number. That was an excellent guess, as there was signage of that nature at some Eaton Canyon trailheads to inform firefighters about the type of terrain they would encounter ahead.

Nobody was fooled that the pole was installed to prevent motorcycles from zooming down the canyon’s trails. As an aside, even bicycle riding is not allowed on the hiking trails within the Eaton Canyon Natural Area administered by the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation. However, trail bikes are allowed within the Angeles National Forest portion of the canyon. If you park in the lot near the Nature Center or in the Equestrian Park overflow lot, you should always walk your bike until reaching the park boundary.

Photo: © Edgar McGregor

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Helvella compressa animation

Eaton Canyon Trail Magic

According to hiker jargon, Trail Magic is a beneficial circumstance that seemingly happens by magic and is usually unexpected. In Eaton Canyon, many of us are the beneficiaries of creative trail magic while exploring this unique place.

Helvella compressa animation
Helvella compressa mushroom propagation. © Phil Hopkins 2020

For, Trail Magic is where we’ll publish some of that creativity. It may take the form of expressive art, photography, videos, poetry or prose about the canyon or any of its aspects.

This is where you can submit your own Trail Magic about Eaton Canyon. If we agree it’s truly magical and unexpected, we’ll publish it in this category, linked to your social media account or Web site and with proper attribution.

Surprise us!

    Limited License: By submitting this content you are providing a limited license for to publish it on the Worldwide Web, including on social media and in all online and non-online forms of promotion for Trail Magic. Copyright remains with you, the copyright owner, and you reserve all other rights. You attest that this content is your own creative work and that you are of legal age in your jurisdiction. If you are not of legal age, a parent or guardian may submit the work on your behalf, and you have indicated their name and contact information in the text area above.

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