Susan Hopkins

Susan Hopkins is a Certified California Naturalist, a docent for the Eaton Canyon Nature Center and a docent naturalist for the Tejon Ranch Conservancy. She is a correspondent for regional nature publications including The Wrentit and Paw Prints. Susan is “squirrelbait” on where she administers the Eaton Canyon Biodiversity Project.

What’s Blooming at Eaton Canyon in January

Hover over photos to reveal information about each species.

Photography © Susan Hopkins unless otherwise credited

What’s Blooming at Eaton Canyon in January Read More »

A group of people sitting on top of a mountain

Caltech Volunteers Remove a Half Ton of Invasive and Non-Native Plants

Saturday May 20th was the first Conservation Day in Eaton Canyon since the start of the pandemic. Conservation group leader Max Yasuda and a group of volunteers from the Caltech Y had fun removing half a ton of invasive and non-native mustards and thistles that clogged the trails.

You too can be part of the fun. The conservation group provides monthly and by-appointment opportunities to community members wishing to volunteer with the Eaton Canyon Nature Center. These opportunities will specifically entail conservation efforts within the park such as weed removal, tree planting and maintenance of native plants. The group accepts sign-ups from the public at

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A close up of a flower garden

Common Names in Mexico for Eaton Canyon Plants & Animals

Common name (Binominal nomenclature)Known variously in Mexico
California Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum)Alforfon, Flor de borrego
Cochineal (Dactylopius)Cochinilla, Cochinilla grana
California Quail (Callipepla californica)Cordoniz, Codorniz Californiana, Codorniz de California
Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia)Encino de la costa, Encino de California, Encino verde
California Dodder (Cuscuta californica)Grenas, Fideo, Cabellos de ángel
Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon crassifolium)Hierba santa, Hierba santa de hoja gruesa
Mule Fat (Baccharis salcifolia)Huatamote, Jarrillas, Azumiate, Chilca, Batamote
Laurel Sumac (Malosma laurina)Lentisco
Shortpod Mustard (Hirschfeldia incana)Mostazilla, Rabaniza amarilla
Poison Oak (Toxiodendron diversolobum)Roble venemoso del Pacifico
Sugarbush (Rhus ovata)Saladitos, Arbusto de azúcar
Black Sage (Salvia melifera)Salvia de miel
White Sage (Salvia apiana)Salvia real, Salvia blanca
Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia)Tollon
Chaparral Yucca (Hesperroyucca whipplei)Yuca de chaparral
Western Sycamore (Platanus racemosa)Sicomoro, Aliso
Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia)Nopal, Cactus de higo, Xoconostles
Translated by Brenda Kyle, Arboretum Amy & Susan Hopkins
Toyon photo: © Susan Hopkins

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